
Feb. 9 - Feb. 15 Hot-Fix KB articles Weekly Release - Windows Legacy Products

Hi Everyone,


Last two weeks, 5 Windows legacy products related hot-fix KB articles were released, including 2 for Windows XP, 2 forWindows Server 2003,and 1 for Internet Explorer 7. Below are the details:


Windows XP - 2 KB articles:

· 960496  The monitor may not turn off on a Windows XP-based computer even though you set the monitor to turn off after a period of inactivity

· 958756  The customized properties for an .msi package installation are reset to their default values after you install Windows Installer 4.5

Windows Server 2003 - 2 KB articles:

· 959923 AD FS cannot connect to an ADAM store over an SSL connection on a Windows Server 2003 R2-based server

· 959543  A hotfix is available for users of Windows Services for UNIX and of Utilities and SDK for SUA to incorporate DST changes in Mauritius, in Brazil, in Morocco, in Egypt, and in Argentina


Internet Explorer - 1 KB article:

· 948606  A pop-up blocker appears in the old tab when a pop-up opens in a new tab if you configure the Tabs settings for Internet Explorer 7 as "Always open pop-ups in a new tab"


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