Dec.18 - Dec. 25 Hot-Fix KB articles Weekly Release - SQL Server
Hi Everyone,
Last week, 16 SQL Server related hot-fix KB articles were updated and they are for SQL Server 2005. Below are the details:
SQL Server 2005 - 16 KB articles:
· 959893 Some changes may not be replicated to the subscriber correctly in SQL Server 2005 when the sum of the parameters exceeds 2,100
· 960071 An access violation occurs when you use an application that calls the SQLExecDirect function of the SQL Server ODBC driver to run a long query in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows XP
· 960110 A significant delay occurs after you cancel a query on a client computer that connects to SQL Server 2005 across a slow link
· 960161 The changes to the data source of a SQL Server 2005 Integration Services package may be lost when the package is run by a job
· 960283 You may encounter a deadlock scenario when you use table variables in SQL Server 2005
· 960542 When you run the ALTER TRIGGER statement for a trigger in a merge publication in SQL Server 2005, a change is not replicated to the subscriber database
· 960543 The x64 version of SQL Server 2005 may stop responding when you are performing a backup
· 960545 Error message when you run an MDX query in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services: "An unexpected error occurred (file 'mdpropertyset.cpp', line 1032, function 'MDRangePropertySet::Init'"
· 960555 Error message when you run a query that selects a column of the xml data type in SQL Server 2005: "'?', hexadecimal value 0xDC55, is an invalid character"
· 960559 Error message when you visit an ASP page that connects to an instance of SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services by using the MSOLAP90 provider: "The system cannot find the file specified"
· 960562 Error message when you run two MDX queries on different connections at the same time in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services: "Transaction errors: The lock operation ended unsuccessfully because of deadlock"
· 960567 Error message when you try to shrink a database in SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2: "File ID <FileID> of database ID <DatabaseID> cannot be shrunk as it is either being shrunk by another process or is empty"
· 960570 A maintenance plan that contains a Rebuild Index task takes much longer to run in SQL Server 2005
· 960571 The Distribution Agent fails when you perform DML operations in a publication article and a concurrent snapshot is created
· 960574 Error message when you run the Snapshot Agent for a transactional replication that uses an Oracle 11g publisher in SQL Server 2005: "Msg 21613, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_IHsyncmetadata, Line 223"
· 960575 Some DML statements that should not be replicated are replicated to the subscribers when you synchronize the subscribers in a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 stored procedure
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