
Updating an application configuration in Production

You can create and update your ApplicationId configuration in our Developer/PreProduction environment by accessing https://config.healthvault-ppe.com. The App Manager tool in our HealthVault SDK also connects to this config site.


But this configuration site is only available in non-Production environments. Microsoft reviews the data access for each application before it goes live, in an effort to ensure that the data set is reasonable for the implied intent of the application. Therefore any updates to a Production configuration can only be performed by the Microsoft team. You must make the config changes in PPE first and then test/verify that they work with your app. Then you submit an email request to HvGoLive@microsoft.com so that we can review the changes and then push the changes for you.

If you are making major changes to your configuration and want the config updates to coincide with the deployment of new code, we are generally able to schedule the push of a config update to coincide with your deployment. We ask that you give us a few business days' notice for such a push, or a bit longer if the push will be outside of west-coast US business hours.