
Leaked Office 2010 Build and Staying Safe

I am re-posting from the Office 2010 blog as a public service to ensure folks don't cause themselves any problems. We are on track to deliver the technical preview of Office 2010 in July and will share additional details at that point. Microsoft has not yet distributed any official code for Office 2010 and will not do so until that technical preview. We strongly recommend that customers only download or use officially released Microsoft products, through appropriate Microsoft channels, since unofficial copies might contain malicious code.

For more about Office 2010 and the upcoming Technical preview, please visit Reed's blog: https://blogs.technet.com/office2010/default.aspx

Leaked build and Staying Safe

I wanted to post quickly to acknowledge the information that you have seen today around bits of Office 2010 being leaked. While all of us here are happy to see the incredible excitement and engagement (and are absolutely chomping at the bit to reach the July milestone) we aren't quite ready to release the technical preview bits. I would encourage all of you to wait until the official bits are available to ensure the best possible experience and not miss out on anything we may include.

As a heads up, because we want to ensure our customers are safe, we have been monitoring various torrents and already detected quite a few that were infected. As a reminder, the Win 7 leak was used as a vector for attack and it's not surprising to see this being used the same way. So, please be aware that if you download this torrent there is a very good chance you are also getting some unexpected malware with it.

In the meantime keep checking back as we will certainly have more updates.

Published Tuesday, May 19, 2009 12:43 AM by reedshaff
Filed under: Leak, Security