
Maybe see you at London CloudCamp on the 21st January 2010

Note: Cross posted from IUpdateable from Eric Nelson.


I will be popping along to CloudCamp this Thursday. I’ve been to CloudCamp once before when it coincided with Qcon London when I was a speaker in 2009. But TBH I really didn’t pay much attention last time around as it was a) the end of a long day and b) I was only dabbling with cloud at the time.

On January 1st I switched full time to the Windows Azure Platform which means this time I will be paying attention :-)

Find/avoid me as necessary :-)


The agenda looks promising:

  • 6.00 - 6.10 pm Introduction to Cloud Computing and Cloud Camp
  • 6.10 - 6.40 pm Lightning Talks
    • 1. Gojko Adzic – Neuri: ‘A short guide to key technical differences between cloud and in-house deployments’ - Base on his experience of moving one of his projects deeper into the clouds.
      2. Jim Liddle – Giggaspaces: ‘MaaS ! Middleware as a Service’ - How the cloud is shaping next generation middleware.
      3. Kate Craig-Wood, Memset [and G-Cloud technical architecture co-lead]: 'UK G-Cloud: The first instantiation of true Cloud Computing?' - A review of NIST's definition of Cloud and attempt to differentiate Cloud from Utility, and a brief look at the UK gov G-Cloud & App Store programme.
      4. John Rainey – Geniedb: ‘Pros and Cons of SQL vs. NoSQL - It's not a simple case of one or the other’ - Should we be abandoning ACID properties and the standard SQL interface?
      5. Max Robbins – AiCache: ‘Dynamic Cloud Caches - Unbundling CDN services the cloud’ - Real life examples of using the cloud to provide an on demand service with all the benefits of the CDN.
      6. Pat Kerpan - CohesiveFT ‘2010 Cloud Predictions’ An industry insiders view of what to expect from the cloud computing market in 2010.
  • 6.45 - 7.20 pm Unpanel - bring your questions along!
  • 7.20 - 7.30 pm Organise and announce the Open Spaces sessions
  • 7.30 - 7.45 pm Refreshment break & select break-out session - Beer & Drinks, etc
  • 7.45 - 9.00 pm Open Spaces unconference discussions x 3 topics to be chosen on the night.
  • 9.00 pm Networking - Beer and Pizza
  • 10.00 pm Close

P.S. Unfortunately the event is now full https://cloudcamplondon6.eventbrite.com/ 

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