
Go Live Partners Series: Extended Results, Inc.

Founded in 2006, Redmond, Washington based traditional ISV Extended Results (https://www.extendedresults.com) specializes in business intelligence solutions.  They sell primarily to enterprises worldwide across many verticals.

Companies spend a lot of money these days building business intelligence capabilities based on various vendor technologies.  Workers sitting at their desks or connected via VPN are in great shape – their KPI’s are right where they need them.  Extended Result’s PushBI product sees to that.  But what about when they’re NOT at work?

Mobile devices operate outside the firewall.  They don’t have direct access to a company’s internal systems and for good reason – it’s too easy to lose one.  So – what’s the answer to most computing problems?  Add a level of indirection!  That’s what Extended Results did with the Windows Azure component of PushBI Mobile.  (https://www.pushbi.com)  Now users of popular mobile devices (Windows Phone 7, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Windows 7 Slate) can get access to their critical business information while on the road or in the coffee shop via a short hop through a cloud component running in Windows Azure.

This long time Microsoft partner chose Windows Azure because they know .NET well.  This familiarity allowed them to create this innovation quickly and get it to market in record time.

Congratulations, Extended Results!