Time to terminate TechTalkBlog's talented trio
It only seems like the other day that I introduced the talented trio who were the Guest Editors on TechTalkBlogs.
But, like they say, all good things come to an end.
The message is already out there:
Here's the scorecard. (I like this little part of the goodbye)
- Anthony Borton - 30 posts
- Andrew Dugdell - 10 posts
- Ken Schaefer - 6 posts
Does this mean 1 Anthony can get you 3 Dugies, or 5 Kens ???? LOL
Seriously, I would like to thank all 3 for their support of TechTalkBlogs. It's been a good one.
Now, who is next??
Let me say, there is another talented trio in the wings.
Some obscure hints
- They have all attended Tech.Ed in the past
- They will be attending Tech.Ed this year
- They all ROCK!!!
I reckon no one will guess. But leave your suggestions in the comments. (I'll find a prize if someone does get it)
Technorati tags: TechTalkBlogs, TechEd, Blogging
June 28, 2007
June 28, 2007
June 28, 2007
Well, we've had a group of geeks guest blogging on the TechTalkBlogs community for a while now. FrankAnonymous
June 29, 2007
So, there has been some speculation about the new editors for TechTalkBlogs . I dropped a hint to Brian