Dale and the Dolphin Whales : My Own RockBand
The kids got Rock Band for the XBOX 360 as a christmas gift.
They are loving it
They named their band "Dale and the Dolphin Whales" - some of the other choices were "Rigo and the Long Cats" and "The Arrigonauts"
The inspiration for the name came after a trip to Whidbey Island. Suffice to say it's Emma's new identity - she isn't Emma anymore, she *is* Dale.
So, back to the Rock Band story - the kids are loving it.
Emma Dale is on vocals, Billy plays the drums and Rigo is on guitar.
Brice really wants to join in, but we need another guitar for him, so he just watches, or goes and plays with his lego
Now, speaking of guitar - our strummer started playing up.
Rather than trying the D-I-Y fixes, we headed over to https://support.ea.com/rockband and ordered a new guitar on Saturday.
It arrived Wednesday.
Rigo tells me there are problems with this one too, but for the time being, they will rock on regardless.
Technorati Tags: Rockband, XBOX 360
January 03, 2008
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July 21, 2008
Today is “ Take Our Daughters & Sons To Work Day 2008 ” I brought Emma along to spend the day withAnonymous
October 08, 2008
I have 4 kids . They have grown up using computers and I have written some of their stories - Dale and