
Blog Tagged : 5 Things

I am on holidays at the moment, but I got a notification that Jeff Sandquist tagged me.

Looks like there is a tagging meme going on - someone tags you and asks you to reveal 5 things that folks probably doesn't know about you and then you tag 5 other bloggers with the same task.

Ok, I shall take on the challenge.....

  1. I was born 9 months and 9 days after my parents were married.
  2. I was engaged at 21 to a girl who was 2 years older than me, but we split up after I found her in a compromising position with another suitor
  3. I love Vegemite on my toast for breakfast (or any another time)
  4. My mother died of cancer, 20 years ago, and she is interred at Cheltenham Memorial Park
  5. I was the official statistician for Christian Brothers' College, East St Kilda First XVIII, which included Eddie McGuire on the team

Now, my turn to tag some other bloggers. I'll go with evangelists - past, present and future smile_regular

Blog Tag!

** UPDATE 16/1/07 : I've been tagged again, this time by Eddie Geller, CEO of Unique World . The folks I had tagged have responded : "Five Things You Probably Don't Know About Me" , Five things about me you probably didn't know , I’ve been tagged , 5 Things you didn't know about me , so I am going to stop the madness. It was interesting last month, it's not so interesting now.

Technorati tags: Scott Barnes, Mick Stanic, Michael Kordahi, Mark Johnston, Nigel Parker


  • Anonymous
    December 28, 2006
    FrankArr down under tagged me to divulge some information about me that people don't know. So, here goes:

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2007
    You may have noticed the blog tagging meme that is going around at the moment. Frank got tagged, Craig...

  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2007
    I've been tagged by Tristan via Coatsy via Darren via Keyvan via Jayson Alex, and the tag seems to go...

  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2007
    I first noticed the tagging frenzy when Frankie was tagged back on 28th December. Now Dugie has done

  • Anonymous
    January 09, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2007
    TaDa!, top 20 posts for January 2007 . Old posts continue to be popular. My Elfamorphosis Windows Vista

  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2008
    I got a comment over night from Michael Specht , who tagged me in the latest meme . Sure why not. Happy

  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2008
    I got a comment over night from Michael Specht , who tagged me in the latest meme . Sure why not. Happy

  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2008
    I got a comment over night from Michael Specht , who tagged me in the latest meme . Sure why not. Happy