
Practice thinking like a compiler tester, part two

Reader RichM found the same solution to the puzzle I posed yesterday that I did:

public class V : S.T {}
public class S {
public class T{}

The control flow of the emitter from the start to the point of the bug goes like this:

Emit (S.T) // V base class
Emit(null) // S.T base class
Emit(S) // S.T outer class
Emit(null) // S base class
Emit(null) // S outer class
S.emitted = true
Emit(S.T) // S's first inner class
Emit(S) // S.T's outer class.
// Take the early out because S.emitted is true
S.T.emitted = true
// T has no inner classes, so return
// S has no more inner classes, so return
ReallyEmit(S.T) // oops, we already did this. Bug!

Of course this was not what the emitting code actually looked like. What it actually looked like was something like:

void Emit(Class c)
if (c == null || c.Emitted) return; // don’t emit twice!
// If somehow Emit was called on this class before our outer class, then
// we just caused ourselves to be emitted when we emitted the outer class.
// (The outer class emits its inner classes, ie, the current
// class, before it returns.)
// If we are already emitted then we have no more work to do.
if (c.Emitted) {
Debug.Assert(c.OuterClass != null && c.OuterClass.Emitted);
c.Emitted = true;
foreach(Class i in c.InnerClasses)

This algorithm is correct. However, the comment and the assertion are not correct. (This is why I was looking at this code in the first place, because the assertion was firing. I fixed it by updating the comment and removing the assertion.)

Can you find a legal set of C# classes which are correctly emitted but cause the assertion to fire?


  • Anonymous
    April 11, 2007
    class A : B {} class B { class C : A {} } Emit(A)  Emit(B) // base    Emit(null) // base    Emit(null) // outer    ReallyEmit(B)    B.Emitted = true    Emit(B.C) // inner      Emit(A) // base        Emit(B) // base, returns immediately        Emit(null) // outer        ReallyEmit(A) // !!! uh-oh        A.Emitted = true      Emit(B) // outer, returns immediately      ReallyEmit(B.C)      B.C.Emitted = true  Emit(null) // outer  Debug.Assert(A.OuterClass != null && ...) // assertion failure

  • Anonymous
    April 11, 2007
    I wrote a small vb.net console app to answer your puzzle and test your problem.

  • Anonymous
    April 11, 2007
    Steve's example seems to be correct to me. Presumably you could put in an assertion: Debug.Assert( (c.OuterClass != null && c.OuterClass.Emitted)                      || (c.BaseClass != null && c.BaseClass.Emitted)); In other words "Either our base class, or our outer class, caused us to be emitted just now." I'm not sure how useful it would be as an assertion though. Jon

  • Anonymous
    April 11, 2007
    Steve is correct, yes.  And yes, the assertion is useless.  I simply removed it entirely rather than trying to replace it with something else.

  • Anonymous
    September 06, 2007
    Yesterday I posed a slightly harder version of the puzzle I posted the day before . Reader Steve found