Tip of the Day: Moving or Renaming Your Page File
Occasionally, you may want to rename the page file from Pagefile.sys to Newfilename.sys, where Newfilename is the name you want to give to the renamed file.
Or, you may want to move the page file to another partition that is not protected by EWF.
To rename or move the page file, make the appropriate changes to the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management
Value: PagingFiles
Data: C:\pagefile.sys 150 500
In that Data field, you can adjust the name of the page file, its location, and its minimum and maximum values.
For example, if you decide that you want the page file to reside on drive D, to be called "Oldpagefile.sys", have a minimum value of 3 MB, and a maximum value of 2 GB, the Data field of the key would look similar to the following:
Data: D:\oldpagefile.sys 3 2000
You can make these changes from within the runtime itself if you have the registry tools installed. Or you can load the System hive offline with Regedit.exe from a full build of Windows, make your changes, and then unload the hive.
- Mark
- Anonymous
September 01, 2008
I don't ordinarily just copy stuff that someone else sends me into my blog, but this is an exception.