
FY15 Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 Self-serve User CAL Promotions

Sivakumar Venkataraman - Click for blog homepageWe ​are pleased to announce a series of promotions aimed at helping you transition your existing Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 customers from Business Portal, discontinued with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015, to the new Self-serve User CAL:​​

  • " FY15 Microsoft Dynamics GP Three Free Self-serve CALs " , a promotion that provides customers licensed for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 prior to December 1, 2014 three Self-serve User CALs per Full User at no charge to your customers.
  • "FY15 Micro​​soft Dynamics GP Self-serve CALs for Half" , a promotion that allows you to license Self-serve User CALs for any of your customers on the Perpetual Licensing model at half the license price.
  • "FY15 Microsoft Dynamics GP Limited to Self-serve CAL Conversion" , a promotion that allows you customers with either Limited Concurrent CALs or Limited Concurrent CALs – Upgrade to exchange them for Self-serve User CALs without incurring incremental license or enhancement plan charges.

These promotions go into effect December 22, 2014 and expire on June 27, 2015.   Please make sure to read the official terms below for a complete listing of eligibility requirements and exclusions.​

View the official Partner Terms here.

Until next post!


  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2015
    Hi Siva, a client is interested in adding 10 users as self service license so they can enter their own requisitions.
    My question to Approve the requisition, does the Approver need a full license or can they also use the self service license for approving. For example, out of the 10 users - 3 are managers who will be approving the reqs for the 7 other users. Because self serve license has a cost of $60 vs. a full license cost is $3000

    • Anonymous
      August 04, 2015
      To approve requisitions, a Self Serve CAL should be sufficient. However, you can even approve requisitions without a license using the Web Services actions on emails notifications.