
Discontinuation of Service for Microsoft Dynamics Marketing

Sivakumar Venkataraman - Click for blog homepageDuring the latter part of 2016, we had made an announcement that Microsoft Dynamics Marketing will not be sold to any new customers from November 2016.

As a next step, we have decided to discontinue Microsoft Dynamics Marketing as of May 15, 2018.

A new online service, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing is expected to release in Spring 2018 and will be available for customers to preview before then. You can sign up for the preview and will be notified when the preview is available: https://connect.microsoft.com/dynamicscustomerengagement.

In the meantime, we suggest that enterprise customers or customers with more advanced marketing needs consider Adobe Marketing Cloud. Please visit this site for more information.

Customer Impact:

Our customers may continue to use the Microsoft Dynamics Marketing service as they do now for the remaining term of their subscription or until the date of discontinuation of service, May 15, 2018, whichever occurs first. Customers can retrieve their organization’s data for up to 90 days from the end of their subscription or the discontinuation of the service, whichever occurs first.

But even better: To help lessen the financial impact on our customers, starting October 1, 2017, we will no longer charge a monthly fee for using the Microsoft Dynamics Marketing service! We will also give prorated credits for prepaid licensing fees for the period between October 1, 2017 until the end of your subscription or May 15, 2018, whichever occurs first.

In addition, customers now will be able to extend their subscription until May 15, 2018.

Get more details from the product team blog in the link below.
