Generate Thumbnail Images from PDF Documents
This is so very cool... a great idea, good explanations, tons of useful bits of code and information, and even a very graphically pleasing set of diagrams in the article!!
Generate Thumbnail Images from PDF Documents
By Jonathan HodgsonThis article presents VB.NET code to create thumbnail images from a directory of Adobe Acrobat PDF documents using the .NET Framework.
- Anonymous
April 08, 2004
So, where's the link to the article itself? :) - Anonymous
April 08, 2004
I am trying to know something more about and .net framework,but,how can I get the pdf documents? - Anonymous
April 08, 2004 - Anonymous
April 08, 2004
send me the article - Anonymous
April 09, 2004
Missed the URL, it has been updated now... - Anonymous
April 12, 2004
Still can not get to the article. You have a broken link. - Anonymous
April 12, 2004
JWG... it seems to work for me, just click on the link above the guy's name... - Anonymous
April 12, 2004
Thank you very much, was just reading through somes blogs in Sharpreader when I saw this and had to double-check.
Glad you liked it, also wrote one on 'Using a Wiki for project documentation',
Just started writing another article on Data Visualisation using Squarified Treemaps in XAML! It's not as strange sounding as it appears, but it will be a few more weeks till I finish it.