
Useful Macros


I always have a difficult time remembering the various properties that can be set on an EnvDTE.Project object, and I never seem to find the right documentation, to jog my memory. Over the years the documentation has improved quite a bit. However, I still found that certain aspects of the VS automation model are readily discoverable via macros. Below are a few examples of macros that I use on a regular basis to quickly dump properties and UIHierarchyItem paths to the IDE's output window.


' Returns a "Miscellany" OutputWindowPane

Function GetMiscDumpPane() As OutputWindowPane

Dim ow As OutputWindow = DTE.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindOutput).Object

Dim pane As OutputWindowPane


pane = ow.OutputWindowPanes.Item("Miscellany")

Catch ex As Exception

pane = ow.OutputWindowPanes.Add("Miscellany")

End Try

Return pane

End Function

' Calculate the UIHierarchyItem Path (useful for retrieving a specific UIHierarchyItem)

Function CalcUIHierarchyItemPath(ByVal item As UIHierarchyItem) As String

Dim path As String = "\\" & item.Name


While Not (item.Collection Is Nothing)


path = path.Insert(0, "\\" & item.Name)

Catch ex As Exception


item = item.Collection.Parent

End Try

End While

Catch ex As Exception

End Try

Return path

End Function

' Recursively walk the UIHierarchyItems collection

Sub WalkUIHierarchyItems(ByVal items As UIHierarchyItems,
ByVal outputPane As OutputWindowPane)

If Not (items Is Nothing) Then

For Each item As UIHierarchyItem In items

If Not (item.UIHierarchyItems Is Nothing) Then

WalkUIHierarchyItems(item.UIHierarchyItems, outputPane)

End If

outputPane.OutputString(item.Name & " : " & CalcUIHierarchyItemPath(item) & vbCr)


End If

End Sub

' List the UIHierarchyItems in the Solution Explorer Toolwindow

Sub DumpUIHierarchyItems()

Dim outputPane = GetMiscDumpPane()

outputPane.OutputString("========================================" & vbCr)

outputPane.OutputString("UIHierarchyItems in Solution Explorer" & vbCr)

outputPane.OutputString("========================================" & vbCr)

Dim uih As UIHierarchy = DTE.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindSolutionExplorer).Object

WalkUIHierarchyItems(uih.UIHierarchyItems, outputPane)

End Sub

' Recursively walk the ProjectItems collection

Sub WalkProjectItems(ByVal items As ProjectItems, ByVal outputPane As OutputWindowPane)

If Not (items Is Nothing) Then

For Each item As ProjectItem In items

If Not (item.ProjectItems Is Nothing) Then

WalkProjectItems(item.ProjectItems, outputPane)

End If

outputPane.OutputString(item.Name & vbCr)


End If

End Sub

' List Project Items for each loaded project

Sub DumpProjectItems()

Dim outputPane = GetMiscDumpPane()

For Each proj As Project In DTE.Solution.Projects


outputPane.OutputString("========================================" & vbCr)

outputPane.OutputString("Project Items for " & proj.Name & vbCr)

outputPane.OutputString("========================================" & vbCr)

WalkProjectItems(proj.ProjectItems, outputPane)

Catch ex As Exception

End Try


End Sub

' List Project.Properties for each loaded project

Sub DumpProjProperties()

Dim outputPane = GetMiscDumpPane()

For Each proj As Project In DTE.Solution.Projects


outputPane.OutputString("========================================" & vbCr)

outputPane.OutputString("Project Properties for " & proj.Name & vbCr)

outputPane.OutputString("========================================" & vbCr)

For Each prop As [Property] In proj.Properties

outputPane.OutputString(prop.Name & " : ")


outputPane.OutputString(prop.Value.ToString() & vbCr)

Catch ex As Exception

End Try


Catch ex As Exception

End Try


End Sub