
looking forward to 2010 – 10 things

so it’s early january and i usually spend some time updating what the family has been up to in the past year.  this year i’ve decided to look forward to what we will be doing in 2010 – as a family, at work and for fun.

1.  today a friend put the following as their facebook status: 

Put this on your status if you know someone with Autism. All I wish for 2010 is a cure!! Dear God, I pray for a cure of Autism, Amen 93% of you won't copy and paste this Will you for just one hour, FOR MY SON HUNTER???

i hope to make 2010 the year where i can focus on others and those in need.

2.  supporting the american brain tumor association.  technically a 2009 donation, i plan to continue my support of abta.org in memory of edward green.

3.  trip to phoenix, az to see my grandma audrey - we named our daughter after this amazing influence in my life.  everyone is heading out to see her this year.

4.  bowl for kids sake – in march everyone will participate in this charity for big brothers big sisters.  you’ll see more on this shortly – stay tuned!

5.  trek 100 – eva and i plan to ride in the 21st trek 100 (june 12th, 2010).  mike grimm let me know about the ride at my first cowalunga and eva and i participated two years ago on a short ride and last year made the 65 mile ride (100k) together.

6.  cowalunga 2010 – on saturday, august 7th eva and i plan to ride on the cowalunga to support the respiratory health associate of metropolitan chicago.  it’s up to a three day ride – we just think a day of riding is enough.

7.  sometime between biking this summer, i will upgrade all of the family computers to office 2010 using click-to-run.

8.  movies!  eva and i see a number of movies in the theatre.  here is our list for 2010 (up in the air was our new years eve choice, so it’s the only thing i’m bringing with me into this look forward to 2010 from 2009)

  • avatar (technically the first time i saw this eva wasn’t with me – but we’re planning to correct that soon!)
  • it’s complicated
  • up in the air

9.  influencing others to greatness.  whether this is as a father, son, leader in toastmasters or as a big, i plan to focus energy on influencing others to make 2010 the year they volunteer, donate to charitable organizations and help others.

10.  and finally 2010 will be the year of the video podcast and screencast.  some of the tips and tricks that i’ve posted will go viral through the chicago windows user group site – stay tuned for more information.

hope you have a prosperous and enjoyable 2010!