
Getting inside information about Hyper-V

A new book has gone to press recently covering Hyper-V.  The “Insider’s Guide to Microsoft's Hypervisor” covers pretty much everything you need to know about Hyper-V, as well as recommendations on how to install, configure, and secure virtual machines.  It also covers the ever more important topic of how Hyper–V can be used to reduce cost and eliminate the complexity of a server infrastructure by consolidating workloads.  And, of course, Data Protection Manager, Operations Manager and Virtual Machine Manager are covered in detail.



As it is written by Microsoft people, I won’t bang on about how great it is, go read the reviews on Amazon to get the public’s opinion.  You can buy it from Amazon.co.uk here.


If only I could get my VMWare-loving/obsessed brother to read it.  Perhaps he’d open his eyes a little…