Upcoming Free HTML5 Training: Register Today!
We just had a very successful HTML5 WebCamp in Irvine, CA last month. I know we can’t accommodate everybody because of the room capacity. Now, the good news is we are going to offer another Free HTML5 WebCamp in Los Angeles area. See more detail and Registration below. Note, space is limited, register today!
Event Overview
As developers, you keep hearing a lot about HTML5, but many don’t know what it actually means or is truly capable of. If you want to learn about it, your choices are limited; you can either pick up a book or attend an expensive conference that often only scratches the surface. The HTML5 Web Camp is an opportunity to connect with designers and developers and show you what’s possible, and how you can start using it today. HTML5 WebCamp is a completely free event, and will start with demos and presentations, and will end with hands on lab sessions, that will allow you to walk through materials and get your questions answered! Space is limited.
Here is a list of topic will be covered in the WebCamp:
- Introduction to HTML 5 and IE9
- Introduction to CSS3
- Overview of HTML5 Graphics with Canvas & SVG
- Adding Video, and Sound with HTML5
- Practical HTML5: Using It Today
- Hands on Labs
Los Angeles, CA, Aug. 19, 2011
August 01, 2011
The LA event registration is already full before I get to read this email sent out today. Is there any plan to make more room for more people or put people on wait list? Thanks.Anonymous
August 01, 2011
Thanks for your interest. The room can only accomdate 80-100 people and we are way over now the number already. Sorry about this. If you can leave your email information, we will notify you if we can allocate more people or if we will have more HTML5 WebCamps in the future. Thanks, DorisAnonymous
August 01, 2011
Please notify me if you can allocate more people.Anonymous
August 01, 2011
Thanks. We will notify you if there are more seats available.Anonymous
August 01, 2011
My email is jtbox@inbox.com. Thanks Doris.Anonymous
August 01, 2011
Let me know when you have more seat, my email is adlqb@yahoo.com. Thanks.Anonymous
August 02, 2011
Hi Doris, my co-worker and I would love to join the seminar. Would it be possible to email us if you have open seats, our emails are jeff.y.liu@jpl.nasa.gov and evan.g.chan@jpl.nasa.gov ? Thank you so much!Anonymous
August 03, 2011
Hi Doris, I tried to register for the HTML 5 WebCamp Traning but it is full. Can you send me an email if there any open seat? My email is atjobsearch@gmail.com. Thank you.Anonymous
August 03, 2011
Same here doris i would love to go. rick@mis-sciences.comAnonymous
August 09, 2011
If a seat opens please add me to said event.Anonymous
August 10, 2011
Please, please add me to your waiting list: ges2k@yahoo.com