
IDFLinkable - 14 Jan 2013–favorite links and Florida flavor

Essential Apps for Windows Phone - https://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/collections/essential-apps/2ac293c6-7765-4118-9c1a-8d92f714c62e

Essential Games for Windows Phone - https://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/collections/essential-games/1b72dde0-e923-4b74-8449-af96e9e65670

Mark Cuban on Windows Phone - https://news.yahoo.com/mark-cuban-nokia-lumia-920-crushes-iphone-5-172024204.html

McObject Embeddable Database for Win RT - https://www.mcobject.com/december5/2012

Windows Phone Emulator - Saving the state - https://sviluppomobile.blogspot.it/2013/01/saving-windows-phone-8-emulator-state.html

The Best Apps for Your New Windows PC - https://www.theverge.com/2012/12/25/3791922/best-apps-new-windows-pc

Emulator Skins for WP8 - https://wp8emulatorskins.codeplex.com/

Free web design and development classes from [https://webdesign.about.com/od/onlinetraining/a/blwebdevclasses.htm?nl=1|webdesign.about.com]

Porting a Windows Phone 7 app to Windows Phone 8 - Gary Davis - https://blogs.webguild.com/archive/2013/01/10/how-i-ported-a-windows-phone-7-app-to-wp8.aspx

Proximity Tapper for Windows Phone and Windows 8 - Allows you to build NFC apps in the emulator - https://proximitytapper.codeplex.com/ - thanks Matthijs

Pull the Rope - NFC Proximity Game for WP8 - Proximity Tapper - NFC in the emulator for WP8 and Win8 - https://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/pull-the-rope/4aaf1cc1-4393-4d81-98b7-d438d7e83fac


Gary Davis - upgrades "Tivo Net Remote" to Windows Phone 8 - https://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/tivo-net-remote/6a96de72-0338-4b60-ad1d-1c18cb365f27

Sean Dunsford, USF student, with "Mayan Pong" for Windows 8 - https://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-US/app/mayan-pong/3186a0ab-1780-435c-a495-fe6dbbd2eee7 - download and rate, give him some student support!


Another good "list" blog - https://blogs.msdn.com/b/robcaron/ - Top 10 Developer Links for a Particular Day