Developer Toolkit Articles & Links
This is a page to provide links to Developer Toolkit and Integration Manager related articles and materials.
The Developer Toolkit contains:
- Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP
- eConnect
- Web Services
Using Visual Basic and Visual C# for its languages.
Knowledge Base (KB) Articles
Training Materials
Developer Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
eConnect in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
Developer Toolkit Downloads
Developer Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0
Developer Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
Visual Studio Tools SDK for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
Visual Studio Tools SDK for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
eConnect 10.0 Download for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
Service Packs and Hotfixes for eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
Web Services 10.0 SDK for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
Service Packs for Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
Menus for Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
Menus for Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 Tools Documentation: Developer Toolkit (MSDN)
Developer Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
Software Development Kit (SDK) for Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
Software Development Kit (SDK) for Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
Software Development Kit (SDK) for eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
Software Development Kit (SDK) for eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
Service Packs and Hotfixes for eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
Service Packs and Hotfixes for eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
Software Development Kit (SDK) for Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
Software Development Kit (SDK) for Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
Service Packs and Hotfixes for Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
Service Packs and Hotfixes for Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
Menus for Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
Menus for Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Tools Documentation: Developer Tooklit (MSDN)
Developer Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013
Software Development Kit (SDK) for Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (Install from DVD Image)
Software Development Kit (SDK) for eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (Install from DVD Image)
Service Packs and Hotfixes for eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013
Service Packs and Hotfixes for eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013
Software Development Kit (SDK) for Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (Install from DVD Image)
Service Packs and Hotfixes for Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013
Service Packs and Hotfixes for Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013
Menus for Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013
Menus for Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013
Integration Manager Downloads
Service Packs and Hotfixes for Integration Manager for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 (CustomerSource)
Service Packs and Hotfixes for Integration Manager for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 (PartnerSource)
Service Packs and Hotfixes for Integration Manager for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 (CustomerSource)
Service Packs and Hotfixes for Integration Manager for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 (PartnerSource)
Service Packs and Hotfixes for Integration Manager for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (CustomerSource)
Service Packs and Hotfixes for Integration Manager for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (PartnerSource)
14-Jun-2010: Updated links for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010.
24-Jun-2010: Update Menus for Visual Studio Tools links.
20-Aug-2010: Update links for Integration Manager.
23-Aug-2010: Updated links for eConnect service packs.
24-Sep-2010: Added Service Pack Links for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010.
15-May-2014: Updated for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013.
15-May-2014: Updated for External KBs and new CustomerSource and PartnerSource.
July 24, 2008
The Report Writer Articles & Links page and the Developer Toolkit Article & Links page have beenAnonymous
October 28, 2008
Over the years I have had many requests for training on the various tools available for customising or