
Featured partner of the week - Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA)


ITA Junior

This week we’d like to present our university partner for the translation and post-editing of our Brazilian Portuguese MSDN Visual Studio 2012 content! Here’s some information about this institution and the experience of working on this project from the current project director, Thiago Rocha:

The Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) is a public university founded in 1950 with intense international cooperation, especially the collaboration with the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). ITA is considered a reference center in engineering education in Brazil.

Specializes in the areas of science and technology in the Aerospace, ITA offers courses in Engineering (Aeronautics, Aerospace, Mechanical, Civil, Electronics and Computer) and has one of the hardest screening tests in Brazil.

ITA Junior is a company managed by the ITA students, which, since 1992, creates technological solutions for its customers. The company has provided services from micro-entrepreneurs and startups to multinationals. The company's
consultants are selected among the best graduate students of the Technological Institute of Aeronautics, ITA, offering customers technical excellence and reliability of its work.

Besides the support of the professors of the Institute - Professional and well qualified doctors in the academic area in which the project fits - through guidance in the development of projects, ITA Junior has its infrastructure facilities complemented by the DCTA - Department of Aerospace Science and Technology , which includes cutting-edge laboratories, library and other specialized research institutes.

The learning involved in the project with Microsoft was wonderful. Learn about technical aspects of Microsoft Visual Studio and the translation platform, allowed the students a great professional development, in addition to work already with the responsibility of deadlines and quality inherent to a project management.

 It is wonderful to know that the ITA and ITA Junior contributed to the translation of Microsoft Visual Studio for Brazil. Hopefully in the future we can repeat the success of this project.”


ITA Junior

 In addition to Director Rocha, we’d like to thank the following students for their contributions towards the success of this project:

  • André Gentil Guerra Agostinho
  • Diogo Nascimento de Lucena
  • Eric Muxagata Conrado
  • Luis Carlos de Oliveira Brochado
  • Luis Gustavo Pereira Vicente
  • Renan Rios Diniz
  • Rodrigo Vitor de Melo Marques
  • Tácio Guardi Tavares
  • Victor Alessandro Trindade Fonseca
  • Jorge Gripp
  • João Lucas de Lima Pinheiro
  • Paulo Israel Oliveira


  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2013
    Very proud of the work done in the ITA. Congratulations to all