
RFID case studies and presentation

Some video and case study information

The possibilities are quite varied as you might imagine. For example:

Australian Coal Mine to Enhance Safety Using RFID

Also a link to the 2006 SOA conference and the presentation of RFID with Mick Badran.

With the release of R2 there was a flurry of articles. Here is a few that took my interest:

New BizTalk with RFID and EDI - Maxine Cheung, 09-24-2007


Microsoft in talks with retail chains for RFID software - Staff Writer, 09-20-2007

The Economic Times

Microsoft punts RFID - Candice Jones, 09-20-2007

IT Web

Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2 to take productivity to the edge - Brian Tinham, 09-14-2007

Manufacturing Computer Solutions

Microsoft BizTalk Talks To More Applications, Servers With Upgrade - Charles Babcock, 09-13-2007

