
Team Individualism

Some exploration in technology options that enabe teams to build solutions, but focus on the individual

TeamPlain Web Access free for Team Foundation Server

Thanks to Rod Le Quesne for the heads up on this: "TeamPlain Web Access is a web interface for...

Author: drmcghee Date: 03/28/2007

Enable missing Australia content on Media Center

I'm really starting to get the media center vision. The new partnerships that Microsoft has with...

Author: drmcghee Date: 03/16/2007

Banned words

Thanks to Darren Pearce, for adding to my banned words list following the word I, I'm or It...

Author: drmcghee Date: 03/15/2007

Baldness - Raising funds for the Leukemia Foundation

Check out my photos and blog and sponsor me online. Pwetty please! Visit my Profile Page

Author: drmcghee Date: 03/10/2007

Team Foundation Server Tools

A dump, of various tools, thanks to Zeeshan Shah. Note: this is not an endorsed list. Utilities Team...

Author: drmcghee Date: 03/08/2007

Another reason to goto Vista Ultimate

I realised only late in the day that Virtual PC (a free download here) is not intended to run on...

Author: drmcghee Date: 03/05/2007

More thoughts on IT Forecasting...

If forecasting Is the science of predicting outcomes then I would say that in the IT industry it’s a...

Author: drmcghee Date: 03/05/2007

Sharepoint - Can not add the user because a user with that name already exists

I have been having some trouble aligning Sharepoint and Team Foundation Server source control...

Author: drmcghee Date: 02/26/2007

Team Foundation Server - Working folder is already in use

I have been using TFS in anger for a bit now, thanks to Grant Halliday from Readify for the setup....

Author: drmcghee Date: 02/21/2007

Technology Forecasting - a new .Net?

I am doing some research for my marketing course and more specifically I'm looking at forecasting....

Author: drmcghee Date: 02/19/2007

Upgraded? to Apple Macbook Pro (with Vista Home Premium)

Muchto the confusion of my colleagues I have continued my Apple home hardware path. Yes, I am...

Author: drmcghee Date: 02/15/2007

WCF Pre-reading

Thanks to Readify for the following links as suggested reading materials: On C# 2.0:...

Author: drmcghee Date: 02/11/2007

Consumer Centric Marketing

I have been doing some reading, by accident, that is relevant to my Masters course at CSU. Ric...

Author: drmcghee Date: 02/05/2007

Aussie Wow is Now

I was over at the Vista Consumer Launch yesterday and was quite impressed. Im particularly...

Author: drmcghee Date: 01/30/2007

Noise concerns on buses to usability

I love travelling by bus. I particularly enjoy the opportunity to read but the sound police should...

Author: drmcghee Date: 01/16/2007

Tagged by Mick

Interesting challenge for the new year by Mick. "Tag" 5 people to reveal 5 things they normally...

Author: drmcghee Date: 01/08/2007

Realising Business Benefit with Service Orientation

I have been thinking about Services and how Services can have tangible business benefits. First of...

Author: drmcghee Date: 01/02/2007

CCF = Operational Improvements

Lawrence is presenting CCF being less of a tactical solution and more the missing piece of the...

Author: drmcghee Date: 12/11/2006

Customer Care Framework

I am currently in Singapore doing some training on CCF. I joined Microsoft expecting to do this...

Author: drmcghee Date: 12/11/2006

New toys and some business architecture

In addition to upgrading to the new Oakley Thump Pro's (finally) I have a couple of new software...

Author: drmcghee Date: 12/04/2006

RFID ecosystem Presentation Grabs

Mick has a posting with the presentation (and the code) but here are a few grabs: Microsoft's...

Author: drmcghee Date: 12/01/2006

MSMQ and SOA Conference RFID

I like queues. I used them first in 1997 for a electronic commerce project in the UK. I created a...

Author: drmcghee Date: 12/01/2006

ReadyBoost Compatibility

I purchased a USB stick at the weekend to speed up my ailing Sony A190. Unfortunately the ReadyBoost...

Author: drmcghee Date: 11/26/2006

Microsoft SOA and Business Partner Conference

As an advocate of BizTalk I was interested in helping present with Mick, the ecosystem around RFID...

Author: drmcghee Date: 11/15/2006

List of BizTalk Persistance Points

From various ranger talks (and some suggestions from Bill Chessnut) I realised that persistance...

Author: drmcghee Date: 11/07/2006

Sydney Mobility

Last night I popped along to the Sydney Windows Mobility User Group. Very interesting stuff. I...

Author: drmcghee Date: 11/07/2006

BizTalk Host Best Practices

Following up on a recent question. In my experience has been that the use of hosts is mostly for...

Author: drmcghee Date: 11/02/2006

New gadget - i-mate SPL

You know when things are bad when you are now no longer buying gadgets for yourself and begin to...

Author: drmcghee Date: 11/02/2006

ASP.Net Scavenging

I've been working recently on configuring .net 1.1 ASP caching for a customer. I remembered through...

Author: drmcghee Date: 11/02/2006

ASP.NET Custom Caching

In most production solutions, changes are considered a very risky maneuver. So, typically one...

Author: drmcghee Date: 11/02/2006

Vista Readiness Review

Today I heard about a new service that Fatih Colgar and Richard Crawford are producing to aid...

Author: drmcghee Date: 10/26/2006

Windows Mobile Device Center (Beta 3 Release) for Windows Vista RC1+

As I discovered from here and from a colleague, the previously only internal WMDC is now at beta 3...

Author: drmcghee Date: 10/10/2006

Vista RC2 installs

Having waited for RC2 to arrive to sort out my Media Center woes on my Mac Mini, it was worth it. A...

Author: drmcghee Date: 10/08/2006

Radio Frequency Identification Beta 1 Walkthrough

Join the Sydney BizTalk User Group and get connected, get equipped and get opportunities to learn....

Author: drmcghee Date: 10/04/2006

Sharepoint RSS ticker

One of the MOSS 2007 SharePoint web parts is an RSS or XML web part which can take XML content and...

Author: drmcghee Date: 10/02/2006

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy, Book Review

Introduction I always thought Enterprise Architecture was an oxymoron. All I needed to do was find a...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/28/2006

RFID Setup

There are a few steps to setting up RFID: You will need this MMC console if you are not running...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/19/2006

Live Everything

Scarily enough I discovered live favorites today: https://favorites.live.com/ It imports from...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/19/2006

Maxtor Mini Software Working in Vista

I was within a day or so of returning the Maxtor Mini when a colleague Callum Meek tempted me to try...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/19/2006

Office 2007 or LiveWriter - Killer Blog apps

I was just about to write a post via the MSDN web site, when I remembered the office 2007 ribbon for...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/18/2006

When clicking on 2007 I would get the following error. "this operation has been cancelled due to...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/18/2006

Threat Modelling. Define, Model, Measure

I have recently been looking at threat modelling. Have you ever been in a situation where the...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/14/2006

Maxtor Mini

Looking in the paper today I was disappointed to see that the 290 bucks I spent on my mini 100Gb was...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/13/2006

Is “Geek” the new cool?

Surprisingly on TV tonight as I type (mental note: sort out timestamps for blog) a show CyberShack...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/11/2006

RFID - Glorified Barcodes?

I have recently romanticised RFID as new integration technology and an area of research. Harbouring...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/11/2006

BizTalk Rangers, web-casts etc.

I was originally going to link some good web-casts from Erik Leaseburg. I then found the BizTalk...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/11/2006

Things I discovered about Vista today...

Quick tips: Search on the top right of every page (like searching control panel for power) Search...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/10/2006

Mac Mini Rc1 Update

At home my Mac Mini is still running RC1. The video problem is being investigated (triaged) by the...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/07/2006

Adventures into WMDC

Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC) can be found on the control panel in Vista RC1. Unlike its...

Author: drmcghee Date: 09/07/2006

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