
.net @ work - network mashup examples and links

At a customer we are some creating a mini series of information sessions about key developments in the Microsoft development space

Neal Cross demonstrated a nice mortgage gadget last night. Here is the link to the programmable web mashup site Neal was using.

One example of a mashup Spyk was demonstrated by Michael Kordahi at the last event. Michael also showed a number of WPF applications.

Here is one example application he showed (on his blog there are many more):

Michael went on to demonstrate WPF/e now known as Microsoft Silverlight (cross browser, cross platform presentation framework):

If you would like to create your own WPF applications, you can download a trial version (the release candidate) of the new set of Microsoft Expression tools (Blend)

To develop in WCF you will need:

Visual Studio 2005 Extensions (WPF/WCF)

Windows SDK for Vista .Net 3.0

Lastly you can see a wealth of information and tools on WCF here

There are a number of new community initiatives coming out. Keep ahead of the game here:

