
Microsoft Touch Desk and Surface

Touch desk and surface are quite different, apparently. Both are quite exciting....

To learn more, the touch desk demo is located  here.

Microsoft Surface is due to be released later this year, so I have heard. Mick Badran is loving it!  A vod cast can be found here.

The possibilities are endless. I can see a lot of paper removal and desk tidy if the applications are rich. Now, if I can get a "scan and shred" to be added to the table my home office would finally be clean.

What I would love to see, as an avid fan of board games, is some of my favourtite board games on the surface (settlers?). This would reduce the setup time, any little bits getting lost, enforcement of rules, and you could do some neat stuff like err play online (virtual board game), keep scoreboards and interact with real objects. Sure you can some of this now but carrying a laptop around, or worse still a desktop, is more cumbersome that having the computer as interactive coffee table.

In addendum, I recently also discovered Microsoft Multi touch screen work at Cambridge UK. There are certainly some new interfacing applications awaiting to be built!