
Help us improve Expression Media

The survey is now closed. Thanks to everyone who took the time to participate!

I want to reach out to iView MediaPro and Microsoft Expression Media customers to learn about which features are useful or important to you. In order to do so, I have created a survey to gather this information.

Participating in this survey will really help us to better understand what is important for Microsoft to focus on when it comes to building both future versions of Expression Media and other related products.

I tried very hard to make the survey quick, easy and hopefully painless to complete (no sign-in, no Live ID - just click on the link!) and we're not gathering any personal information so it is anonymous. However, establishing a dialogue with customers is vital for us to build relevant and useful products, so if you're willing, we'd like to invite you to join a panel of customers that we can work with around future products - there's a link at the end of the survey to do this.

Follow this link to take the survey or go to https://xmedia.questionpro.com

Why should you participate in this effort? Well, I'd love to offer cool free stuff to everyone but since the survey is anonymous, I wouldn't know who to send it to. So if you do complete the survey, your reward is knowing that your responses will be carefully scrutinised by us. But if you choose to be part of the customer panel you can expect a veritable torrent of cool free stuff (well truth be told, it will be more like a trickle and it will be what I think is cool...)
