
“Migrating Business to the Cloud” – videos and slides

The slides and videos are now available for the recent “Migrating Business to the Cloud” event


Microsoft Cloud Services – Mark Taylor, Director of DPE, Microsoft UK

Cloud” as one of the biggest opportunities in decades and five dimensions of the Cloud and how they can assist you getting ahead. Slides | Video





Cloud Platforms Today - David Chappell, Principal of Chappell & Associates

The rise of cloud platforms marks a major shift in our industry. Yet as usual with big changes, there are lots of options and plenty of confusion. In this session, David Chappell will provide an independent perspective on how Microsoft’s various cloud platforms—for both public and private clouds—fit together.. Video


Cloud in Action – Three Cloud Services scenarios

Easyjet – Cloud Strategy Slides | Video


RiskMetrics - The Hybrid Model & Internet Scale Services in the Cloud  Slides | Video


EMC / See The Difference - Innovation in the Cloud  Slides | Video


Changing the Dynamics of IT – Bob Muglia, President Server & Tools Business, Microsoft

“Cloud is now, we’re in and so should you”. Microsoft is ready, cloud is ready and partners need to be ready.  Slides | Video



Cloud Panel -  Cloud Services Adoption

Rob Fraser (RiskMetrics), Bob Muglia (Microsoft), David Chappell (Chappell & Assoc). Moderated by Mark Taylor. Video