
Want to win $20,000 with Windows Phone? Check out Dream.Build.Play!

Via Devfish..

Here's the short version. Over 14? Write a cool Windows Phone Game and submit it to the Dream,Build,Play site. You could win up to $20,000. Yep, that's it. In a nutshell. So on to the long-winded stuff.

Windows Phone the prizes are $20k, $10k, $5k, and $2500 respectively.

The top 20 finalists will also get Phones. Want some inspiration, check out last year's XBOX winners at https://www.dreambuildplay.com/main/winners.aspx .

Obviously the competition is going to be tough. Make something good. And if you publish it, let me know. I'm always looking for brag on our phone devs!


  • Registration until May 15, Submission until June 12
  • Judging on fun/innovative/quality
  • Must be greater than 14 years old
  • All submissions are in English
  • You cannot submit if you live in Cuba, Iran, North Korean, Sudan or Syria

Official Rules - https://www.dreambuildplay.com/main/officialrules.aspx