
TechNet Radio: Data in the Cloud (Part 1) – How are Customers using Azure?

Dan Stolts kicks off a new multi-part series today on Data in the Cloudand in part 1 he welcomes Shawn Bice, Director of Program Management at Microsoft to discuss how customers are using Azure for their data needs.

  • [2:35] It looks like you guys have a pretty complete data platform with many services, what are some of the key trends you see, and how does that shape you product offerings?
  • [6:00] The Connected Cow?
  • [15:45] What are the advantages for using cloud services for data?
  • [24:20] Can you share some hyper scale scenarios?
  • [32:40] It looks like you guys are investing a lot in security, can you tell us more?
  • [35:50] When you talk about Hybrid, can you share some of the scenarios you are delivering?
  • [41:02] With regard to Azure SQL DB, can you tell us about the journey in building a globally distributed workload and how customers use it?
  • [45:00] How does Azure as a whole differentiate?

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