
Supported Virtual Machine Operating Systems in the Microsoft Cloud (31 Days IaaS Part 3 of 31) – Tommy Patterson

Part 3 of 31 part series… By now you have certainly read about 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud

The Jan 3rd edition by Tommy Patterson is now live at 31 Days of Servers in the Cloud – Supported Virtual Machine Operating Systems in the Microsoft Cloud (Part 3 of 31) Tommy walks you through the various OS options when creating a virtual machine (Step-By-Step) on Windows Azure 


Today we cover which operating systems are supported in Windows Azure, Microsoft’s Public Cloud built for running virtual machines.  At present Microsoft Azure currently supports multiple operating systems, and not only Microsoft  solutions are in the list.  Let’s take a look at the list and versions available for deployment.  If you are logged into your Microsoft Azure account(if not go ahead and sign up for a free trial here) proceed to the VM creation screen… Read More


You can find the landing page for the 31 day series at https://aka.ms/iaas31

Get Started Now - Create a free Windows Azure Account (NOTE: Free Account requires a Credit Card during registration but you will NOT be billed if you do not manually change your account to a Production/Pay Account)

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