
New England User Group Leader Summit 2010

The robust New England User Group community came together last weekend to share and gain knowledge about growing the local technology community at the Northeast User/Community Group Leader Summit 2010.  The event was hosted at the Microsoft New England Research and Development Center (NERD) in Cambridge, MA.  For those that may missed it and for those that would liked to have attended more than one session at a time, there was a scribe designated for most of the sessions. You can get to the notes from these sessions by following the links on the Session Schedule page.

The event was an agnostic event brought to the community by O’Reilly Media. Boston User Groups and Microsoft as well as other friends and sponsors helped in a big way to make this event a success. It was a great opportunity to meet other community leaders and learn some tips and tricks related to building a technology community.  While I was there, I took some pictures and wanted to share them with you…


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