
What is DFS maximum size limit

We know DFS maximum size is 64 GB in Windows 2000 DFS and Windows Server 2003(R2) DFSR.
Does this limitation also applies to Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 DFSR?
Do we have similar article such as this https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc773238(WS.10).aspx#BKMK_00 that describes the limit?

The DFSR test team successfully tested replication of 10Tb (9.97Tb to be precise) of data between two Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition servers.  The test was conducted on a private network and it took about 8.5 days to fully replicate the data. The replicated data was composed of 4,410,445 files and 798 directories. The file data was randomly generated, meaning it cannot be compressed. Therefore, this scalability test represents the worst case workload and can be thought of as similar to replicating 10Tb of already compressed data.

The DFSR product team expects data stored on customers’ servers to compress much better. That would reduce both the amount of data sent across the wire and the time taken by DFSR to replicate the data.

Please note that these are preliminary test results. The DFSR product team will resume scalability tests as soon as possible and the above numbers serve as an indication, that DFSR is not limited to 10Tb or 4.5 million files.

The DFSR Product Team