
Running PHP on the Windows Platflorm

Evento Running PHP on the Windows Platform, 9 Setembro, Auditório Microsoft, TagusPark

Running PHP on the Windows Platform

Sabia que a Microsoft possibilita a plataforma mais flexível e abrangente para o desenvolvimento Web ?

Sabia que PHP na plataforma Microsoft potencia novas oportunidades de negócio?

Neste evento, Hank Janssen vai partilhar com a audiência o seu know-how, vai mostrar como tirar o melhor partido desta interligação.

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Hank Janssen Hank Janssen is the Director of Program Management at the Microsoft Open Source Technology Center OSTC). Hank has been working with UNIX and Later Linux and Other OSS for over 20 years. He started his work at AT&T and did a kernel programming for the SYS V process scheduler used for Digital Telephone switches (5ESS). While working at AT&T he designed a globally distributed database system before people knew what they were. Utilizing such golden oldies as uucp and rje. In the early and mid nineties he was the lead programmer and designer on a Point Of Sale system that did real time cell phone activations for Sprint. At that time the first anywhere in the US. It was solely build on and with OSS software. Most of his career has been spend in applications development, data manipulation and database design and development. Prior to joining Microsoft 2 1/2 years ago, he worked for the last 7 years as an Architect for large (and small) cellular telephone companies. Virtually all of the work he has been doing has been in or with UNIX, Linux and OSS related areas. Favorite languages remain C/C++ and favorite editor is still Emacs :).

Today he runs the Open Source Software Lab and Novell Joint Interoperability labs at the MS OSTC.


09:30-09:45 – Registration

09:45-10:00 – Welcome

10:00-10:30 – Microsoft and Open Source *

10:30-11:30 – PHP value add on the Microsoft Platform *

11:30-11:45 – Coffee Break

11:45-12:30 – PHP value add on the Microsoft Platform * (cont.)

12:30-12:45 - Hyper-V and Linux *

* Sessões em Inglês


Auditório Microsoft

Edifício Qualidade, C1-C2

Av. Prof. Dr. Aníbal Cavaco Silva TagusPark

2744-010 Lisboa Portugal