Configuration Manager PFE Kevin
Updating ConfigMgr Linux Clients
Jeff Butte published a great blog showing a way to manage the upgrade of your Linux clients.
Date: 06/14/2018
ConfigMgr Export/Import Hardware Inventory Classes
Here is something that I have run into a few times now so I created a script to help make all our...
Date: 04/05/2018
Using Powershell to Update DNS Records on GoDaddy API
I was recently working on using the GoDaddy API in lieu of using dynamicDNS to keep my lab IP up to...
Date: 09/27/2016
Schannel SSL and TLS Registry Keys Reporting
I have seen this topic come up more and more recently. In many cases, organizations wish to report...
Date: 09/18/2016
Top Console/Primary User
Check out this blog over at AskPFEPLat by Stephen Mathews. It's another take on determine the...
Date: 08/12/2016
Using PoSH to get Folder Size
I don't know about you, but there are time when I am trying to track down where all my hard drive...
Date: 07/08/2016
Peer Cache Reporting
Check out this great blog on with an example custom report that Seth built for Peer Cache!...
Date: 07/06/2016
Turning NETSTAT results into an Object
A customer was trying to extract some data from the netstat command. The customer had already formed...
Date: 12/11/2015
Case of the never-ending Full Collection Evaluation
I was recently working with a customer with a large number of collections set for incremental...
Date: 10/09/2015
FREE Technology Day - March 14 - Microsoft Reston, VA
Hi Everyone! There is a District of Columbia Maryland Virginia Management User Group (DMVMUG)...
Date: 02/21/2015
New Configuration Manager 2012 R2 Disaster Recovery White Paper Published!
Hello,There is a new White Paper that has been published on Disaster Recovery. Check it...
Date: 10/06/2014
Configuration Manager Powershell: Changing Package Source Location Part 2
Hello Everyone! This is a follow up to a blog I posted previously, Changing Package Source Location....
Date: 02/12/2014
Troubleshooting BITS with PowerShell
This month's segment is going to focus on troubleshooting BITS downloads. Many folks may be...
Date: 01/29/2014
Configuration Manager R2 Toolkit Release! Server Based Tools (NEW) DP Job...
Date: 12/09/2013
Import Computer Does Not Show Up in Collection
I was recently working with another PFE with a customer that has some pretty strict requirements...
Date: 11/21/2013
Configuration Manager PowerShell - Creating Collections from AD OUs
Is there an easy way to create collections based on my Active Directory OU's? Customers often create...
Date: 06/28/2013
Configuration Manager PowerShell - Administrative Model and Collection Creation
A problem of delegated administration I was recently on-site with a customer that had very specific...
Date: 06/17/2013
Configuration Manager PowerShell - Changing Package Source Location
Today we are going to examine 2 PowerShell CMDLETS that are new to Configuration Manager 2012 SP1....
Date: 04/05/2013
Download Update: A recoverable error has occurred. A retry attempt will be made.
I was recently at a customer location assisting them with a migration to Configuration Manager 2012....
Date: 03/20/2013
Enterprise Windows 7/2008R2 SP1 Hotfix rollup KB2775511 Deployment with Configuration Manager
Check out this blog by another Configuration Manager PFE on how to sync this update in your...
Date: 03/14/2013
What is Fallback and What Does it Mean?
This question seems to come up frequently when I am working with a customer. It's no wonder to me...
Date: 03/05/2013