My blogging frequency
I haven't posted much for a while--things on the Access team have been really busy. My team has been working on generating lots of new templates which has really kept me busy. I'm going to make a effort to post a little more to this blog and try to keep people updated on new content that is coming available. We are getting really close to finishing Office 2007 and have a bunch of articles and templates in the cue. I also have some Access form design ideas I would like to get out to you all.
Stay tune and hopefully, I will be around a bit more.
October 26, 2006
Welcome back Clint :-) Will Pivot Charts and Pivot Tables still be available in Access 2007?Anonymous
October 26, 2006
Pivot tables and Charts are available in 2007. They surface their commands via contextual tabs and you create them using the Create ribbon. Clint