
Chris Smith's completely unique view

Algorithms, functional programming, CLR 4.0, and of course, F#!

Why I love the blog software here

So a while ago I was using Visual Studio Team Foundation Server to Unit Test my computer-Go bot,...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 05/25/2006

LINQ CTP release

I'll give a random shout-out to the folks working on LINQ, DLinq, XLinq, and even the really-awesome...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 05/11/2006

Some Microsoft codenames

Like many other avid gamers, I was a little disappointed when the next console coming out from...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 04/30/2006

Apple, Microsoft, and BootCamp

So there was quite the buzz around the office surrounding BootCamp,...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 04/07/2006

Security on the internet – one of Life’s little annoyances

So I went to register a new domain name today and before I could complete the transaction I went to...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 04/05/2006

Making the wheel just a little more rounded...

I've been busy the past few weeks ramping up on Windows Communication Foundation and, more...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 03/30/2006

Bootstrapper SDK Released!

Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I am still in the process of handing off my Bootstrapper...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 03/10/2006

You don't have to go home but you can't stay here

As we begin to plan for the next release of Visual Studio (code named Orcas) new teams are forming...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 02/26/2006

Silent switch for Bootstrapper

Question:Is there a 'silent' switch I can pass to the Bootstrapper (setup.exe) in order to bypass...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 02/23/2006

Single-file deployment for the Bootstrapper?

Question:When I deploy my Setup Project I need to redistribute two files (setup.exe and...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 02/23/2006

Package not appearing on Prerequisites dialog?

I was helping someone create a custom Bootstrapper package last week and after copying their package...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 02/13/2006


I have had a lot of questions from Bootstrapper users about how to check if the .Net Framework is...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 02/06/2006

Leave no documents behind!

So I have been working with some folks to help develop our design process in Orcas. (Check out the...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 01/30/2006

Bootstrapper SDK

So now that the Visual Studio 2005 Generic Bootstrapper is 'out in the wild', I am spending a lot of...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 01/18/2006

Test Driven Development and VSTS

I am involved in an 'experiment' of sorts here in the Developer Division at Microsoft, Mike Sampson...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 01/15/2006

Summary results file for VSTS Generic Tests

So I am using Visual Studio Team System for prototyping some new Orcas features and am just loving...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 12/07/2005

Where are the Bootstrapper packages installed?

QuestionHow can I programatically determine where the Bootstrapper packages are located? Answer If...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 12/02/2005

Programatically determining where the Bootstrapper packages are

If you would like to know how to programatically locate the Bootstrapper package location (if you...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 12/02/2005

LINQ project reactions

Paul Vick, VB technical lead, gave a talk today about some of the new language features for VB .NET...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 11/29/2005

Post vacation update

I have updated the Bootstrapper FAQ: https://blogs.msdn.com/chrsmith/articles/category/10628.aspx

Author: ChrSmith Date: 11/28/2005

Can the Bootstrapper do complex logic for install conditions?

QuestionCan the Bootstrapper do complex logic on the install conditions? Such as FailIf (X = true...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 11/28/2005

VS Tricks: How to load test files from within a Unit Test

It is a little-known secret that I moonlight as a computer-Go programmer. (What is the game of 'Go'...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 11/14/2005

Orcas, The Bootstrapper, and Beyond

Well we shipped Visual Studio 2005, I took a little breather, and now I am back in my office...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 11/11/2005

Changing package deployment method post build

QuestionIs there a way I can change the Bootstrapper after setup.exe has been built? AnswerYes, you...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 10/25/2005

Updated Bootstrapper FAQ

Busy, busy, busy time here in Building 41. The shipping cadence of Visual Studio 2005 beat louder...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 10/25/2005

Using the Bootstrapper to deploy a Windows Installer Package

Do you have a Windows Installer package (MSI) that you use to deploy program prerequisites? Would...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 10/18/2005

Using the Bootstrapper to wrap a Windows Installer package

This article is to serve as a tutorial for converting a standard Windows Installer package (*.MSI)...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 10/18/2005

Generic MSI package on GotDotNet

I finished uploading a Bootstrapper package to wrap an MSI. I'll be finishing up a tutorial...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 09/25/2005

Managed DirectX Bootstrapper package

Today I release a Managed DirectX Bootstrapper package on GotDotNet. (You can also find a previously...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 09/19/2005

Windows Installer vs. The Bootstrapper, continued

Sorry for two link-listings in a row, but you might find this interesting:...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 09/09/2005

Visual C++ Express the 'preferred' IDE for Half-Life 2 mods

I saw this link and couldn't help but repost: Valve Names Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 09/05/2005

Dealing with package reboots

A question I usually get when talking about the Bootstrapper is "can it handle multiple reboots?"...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 09/02/2005

.Net Goodness - Enumerating through an enumeration

The other day a friend of mine was asking if there was a simple way through reflection to list all...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 08/26/2005

Bootstrapper property VersionMSI

Today I would like to talk about a predefined Bootstrapper property, VersionMSI. The VersionMSI...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 08/22/2005

Work hard, Play hard

Somebody, whom I am still trying to figure out, has been slowly building up an arcade of vintage...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 08/17/2005

New article post

I have just posted a new in-depth Bootstrapper article on the topic of localizing a manifest. The...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 08/16/2005

Localizing Bootstrapper Packages

Localizing software has traditionally been difficult process; fortunately however localizing your...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 08/16/2005

New Bootstrapper FAQ articles

I just created a new article section called Bootstrapper FAQ. There you will find answeres to quick...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 08/08/2005

Deploying the .NET Framework version 1.1

QuestionCan I use the Visual Studio 2005 Bootstrapper to deploy the .NET Frameworks 1.1? Do I need...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 08/08/2005

Using the Bootstrapper to launch an EXE

QuestionIs there any way I can have my Bootstrapper launch an EXE or file other than my .application...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 08/08/2005

VMs thumbnail image via the Virtual Server COM object

So the first week of App Building has gone well. I'll write more about my app as soon as it is...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 07/31/2005

Testing Insight: App Building

So for the next two weeks the VB.NET QA team is working hard on testing the product and finding...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 07/25/2005

Modifying package deployment method via command line

So as mentioned previously there are three ways to deploy Bootstrapper prequisites. Just to review:...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 07/19/2005

New article posted on Bootstrapper security

Today I posted an article on how the Bootstrapper does security, specifically how it verifies...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 07/11/2005

Bootstrapper - Security

In this article we will discuss security in the Bootstrapper. Although setup.exe provides a great...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 07/11/2005

Neat nuggets of .NET - The Conditional attribute

Ever wanted different behavior between DEBUG and RELEASE builds? But without having to fork your...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 07/07/2005

Windows Installer, The .NET Framework, The Bootstrapper, and You

When I was in college I believed in the notion of bug free software. You heard me, bug FREE. If you...

Author: ChrSmith Date: 07/01/2005

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