
Microsoft Exam 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions Test Resources


Right now, I’m studying for the Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions, Microsoft Exam 70-532. My colleagues have told me that the best way to study for the exam is to take every bullet point from the exam description, and make sure I'm able confident in it. 

Here’s the list of resources I’ve compiled for that process. I hope you can use it to further your studying.  I’ll keep updating it as I continue my process. Leave a comment if you have a resource I should add.

NOTE: There is also a Microsoft Virtual Academy available for Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions.

Design and implement websites (15‒20%)

Deploy websites

define deployment slots

Staged Deployment on Microsoft Azure Websites

roll back deployments

Update an Azure Service

Rollback of an update

create hosting plans

Azure Websites Web Hosting Plans In-Depth Overview

migrate websites between hosting plans

Azure Website Hosting Plans (WHP)

Is it possible to move a website to a different “Web Hosting Plan”

create a website within a hosting plan

Azure Websites Web Hosting Plans In-Depth Overview

Configure websites

define and use app settings, connection strings, handlers, and virtual directories

Importance of app settings in azure website portal

Windows Azure Web Sites: How Application Strings and Connection Strings Work

HTTP Handlers and Windows Azure Web Roles

Microsoft Azure Web Sites: Deploying wordpress to a virtual directory within the azure web site

configure certificates and custom domains

Enable HTTPS for an Azure website

Configuring a custom domain name for an Azure Website

Associating a custom domain and securing communication with Microsoft Azure

configure SSL bindings and runtime configurations

Windows Azure Web Sites: SSL Support and configuration

How to configure PHP in Azure Websites

manage websites by using the API, Windows PowerShell, and Xplat-CLI

Service Management REST API Reference

Using Azure Traffic Manager with Azure Web Sites

Managing Windows Azure Web Sites with PowerShell

Install and Configure the Azure Cross-Platform Command-Line Interface

Configure diagnostics, monitoring, and analytics

retrieve diagnostics data

How to Monitor Websites

Enable diagnostic logging for Azure Websites

view streaming logs

How to: Stream logs

configure endpoint monitoring

How to: Monitor web endpoint status

configure alerts

How to: Receive Alert Notifications and Manage Alert Rules in Azure

configure diagnostics

How to: Configure diagnostics and download logs for a website

use remote debugging

Introduction to Remote Debugging on Azure Web Sites

Troubleshooting Azure Websites in Visual Studio

Remote Debugging a Window Azure Web Site with Visual Studio 2013

monitor website resources

How to: View usage quotas for a website

Implement web jobs

write web jobs using the SDK

What is the Azure WebJobs SDK

Get Started with the Azure WebJobs SDK

Use WebJobs to run background tasks in Azure Websites

package and deploy web jobs

How to Deploy Azure WebJobs to Azure Websites

schedule web jobs

Job scheduling in Windows Azure

Create a Scheduled Task

Configure websites for scale and resilience

configure auto-scale using built-in and custom schedules

How to Scale Websites

Auto Scaling Azure Websites, CPU or Scheduled – with Stefan Schackow

When to Scale Azure Websites – with Stefan Schackow

How Azure Websites Scale – with Stefan Schackow

configure by metric

Scaling to Standard Plan Mode

change the size of an instance

Virtual Machine and Cloud Service Sizes for Azure

configure Traffic Manager

Traffic Manager Overview

Traffic Manager Configuration Tasks

How Do I Configure Traffic Manager?

Design and implement applications for scale and resilience

select a pattern

Patterns For High Availability, Scalability, And Computing Power With Microsoft Azure

More Patterns and Guidance (Building Real-World Cloud Apps with Azure)

implement transient fault handling for services

The Transient Fault Handling Application Block

respond to throttling

Solving a Throttling Problem with Azure

disable Application Request Routing (ARR) affinity

Disabling ARR’s Instance Affinity in Windows Azure Web Sites


Preparation resources

How to Deploy an Azure Web Site

Getting Started with the Azure WebJobs SDK

Cloud Design Patterns: Prescriptive Architecture Guidance for Cloud Applications


Create and manage virtual machines (20‒25%)

Deploy workloads on Azure virtual machines (VMs)

identify workloads that can and cannot be deployed

Azure Virtual Machines FAQ

run workloads including Microsoft and Linux

Create a Virtual Machine Running Windows

Create a Virtual Machine Running Linux

create VMs

Azure Service Management Cmdlets – Deploying and Managing Virtual Machines

Create and manage a VM image or virtual hard disk

create specialized and reusable images

prepare images using SysPrep and Windows Agent (Linux)

Creating and Uploading a Virtual Hard Disk that Contains the Linux Operating System

Creating and Uploading a Windows Server VHD to Azure

copy images between storage accounts and subscriptions

How to copy blobs or VHDs between different Windows Azure subscription

upload VMs

Perform configuration management

automate configuration management by using PowerShell Desired State Configuration and VM Agent (custom script extensions)

Channel9: PowerShell Desired State Configuration and DevOps in Microsoft Azure

Get Started with Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration

Automating VM Configuration using PowerShell DSC Extension

Automating VM Customization tasks using Custom Script Extension

configure VMs using a configuration management tool, such as puppet or chef

Getting Started Guide for Deploying Puppet Enterprise in Microsoft Azure

Azure Virtual Machines : Using Chef, Puppet and Docker for managing Linux VMs

enable remote debugging

Debugging a Cloud Service or Virtual Machine in Visual Studio

Configure VM networking

configure reserved IP addresses

Reserved IP Addresses

Configure a Static Internal IP Address for a VM

access control list (ACL)

About Network Access Control Lists (ACLs)

DNS at the cloud service level

Name Resolution (DNS)

Announcing: Reverse DNS for Azure Cloud Services

Configuring a custom domain name for an Azure cloud service

load balancing endpoints

Load Balancing for Azure Infrastructure Services

How to Set Up Endpoints to a Virtual Machine

HTTP and TCP health probes

Microsoft Azure Load Balancing Services

public Ips

Instance-Level Public IP Address

Preserving Static IP Address in Windows Azure

firewall rules

Securing access to your Windows Azure Virtual Machines

Using Windows Firewall to restrict access to Windows Azure instances

Add firewall rules to VM’s running in Windows Azure

direct server return

VM and load balancer, direct server return, availability set and virtual network on Windows Azure

Create load-balanced VM endpoints with direct server return in Azure


TFS, Load Balancers, Idle Timeout settings and TCP Keep-Alives

New: Configurable Idle Timeout for Azure Load Balancer

Scale VMs

scale up and scale down VM sizes

How to Scale an Application

configure auto-scale and availability sets

Azure Auto-Scale for IaaS

Manage the availability of virtual machines

Design and implement VM storage

configure disk caching

About Virtual Machine Disks in Azure

plan for storage capacity

configure shared storage using Azure File service

Setting up a File Share for the new Azure File Service

Introducing Microsoft Azure File Service

configure geo-replication

Introducing Geo-replication for Windows Azure Storage

Azure SQL Database Standard Geo-Replication

Monitor VMs

configure endpoint monitoring

How to Set Up Endpoints to a Virtual Machine

configure alerts

Understanding Monitoring Alerts and Notifications in Azure

configure diagnostic and monitoring storage location

Configuring Diagnostics for Azure Cloud Services and Virtual Machines


Preparation resources

Copy Blob

Load Balancing for Azure Infrastructure Services

How to Monitor Cloud Services


Design and implement cloud services (20‒25%)

Design and develop a cloud service

install SDKs

install emulators

develop a web role or worker role

design and implement resiliency including transient fault handling

develop startup tasks

Configure cloud services and roles

configure HTTPS endpoint and upload an SSL certificate, and instance count and size

configure network access rules, local storage, multiple websites, custom domains, and dedicated and co-located caching

scale up and scale down role sizes

configure auto-scale

Deploy a cloud service

upgrade an automatic, manual, or simultaneous deployment

VIP swap a deployment

package a deployment

implement continuous deployment from Visual Studio Online (VSO)

implement runtime configuration changes using the portal

configure regions and affinity groups

Monitor and debug a cloud service

configure diagnostics using the SDK or configuration file

profile resource consumption

enable remote debugging

establish a connection using Remote Desktop CmdLets in Windows PowerShell

debug using IntelliTrace or the emulator


Preparation resources

Continuous delivery to Azure using Visual Studio Online

Configuring SSL for an application in Azure

Windows Azure SDK for .NET - 2.2


Design and implement a storage strategy (20‒25%)

Implement Azure Storage blobs and Azure files

read data

change data

set metadata on a container

store data using block and page blobs

stream data using blobs

access blobs securely

implement async blob copy

configure Content Delivery Network (CDN)

design blob hierarchies

configure custom domains

scale blob storage

Implement Azure storage tables

implement CRUD with and without transactions, design and manage partitions, query using OData

scale tables and partitions

Implement Azure storage queues

add and process messages

retrieve a batch of messages

scale queues

Manage access

generate shared access signatures, including client renewal and data validation

create stored access policies

regenerate storage account keys

configure and use Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Monitor storage

set retention policies and logging levels

analyze logs

Implement SQL databases

choose the appropriate database tier and performance level

configure and perform point in time recovery

enable geo-replication

import and export data and schema

scale SQL databases


Preparation resources

Azure Cloud Service Tutorial: ASP.NET MVC Web Role, Worker Role, and Azure Storage Tables, Queues, and Blobs - 1 of 5

Shared Access Signatures, Part 1: Understanding the SAS Model

How to Monitor a Storage Account


Manage application and network services (15‒20%)

Integrate an app with Azure Active Directory

develop apps that use WS-federation, OAuth, and SAML-P endpoints

Developing Modern Applications using OAuth and Active Directory Federation Services

A Look at Azure AD’s Web Sign-In Endpoints

Adding Sign-On to Your Web Application Using Azure AD

query the directory using graph API

Azure AD Graph API

Using the Graph API to Query Azure AD

Configure a virtual network

deploy a VM into a virtual network

Connection Web or Worker Roles to a Simple Virtual Network in Windows Azure

deploy a cloud service into a virtual network

Modify network configuration

modify a subnet

Move a VM or Role Instance to a Different Subnet

import and export network configuration

Import a Network Configuration File

Export Virtual Network Settings to a Network Configuration File

Configure a Virtual Network Using a Network Configuration File

Design and implement a communication strategy

develop messaging solutions using service bus queues, topics, relays, and notification hubs

.NET Multi-Tier Application Using Service Bus Queues

A publish/subscribe application with Service Bus topics

A hybrid cloud on-premises application with Relay

Getting Started with Notification Hubs

create service bus namespaces and choose a tier

How to Use Service Bus Queues

How To: Create or Modify a Service Bus Service Namespace

Service Bus Pricing and Billing

scale service bus

Azure Service Bus Scalability

Monitor communication

monitor service bus queues, topics, relays, and notification hubs

Troubleshooting Service Bus

Managing and Testing Topics, Queues and Relay Services with the Service Bus Explorer Tool

Notification Hubs Monitoring and Telemetry

Implement caching

implement Redis caching

Lap around Azure Redis Cache

Azure Redis Cache

How to Use Azure Redis Cache

Trying Redis Caching as a Service on Windows Azure

Plan for Azure Redis Cache

implement Azure Cache Service

How to Use Azure Managed Cache Service

Azure Cache Services


Preparation resources

Azure AD Graph API

Virtual Network Configuration Tasks

Notification Hubs Monitoring and Telemetry


  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2015
    Thanks for sharing.
  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2015
    great list
  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2015
    good effort in collating various sources
  • Anonymous
    May 04, 2015
    Thanks for all the great links, I passed the exam today!