
Quick update on what's going on

I just got back today from the ALT.NET Open Spaces Conference in Austin, and haven't had a chance to catch up on too much as I'm flying out tomorrow to the Zend PHP Conference in San Francisco.  At the risk of embarrassing myself (which, for me, is usually a pretty big risk) here are some things that I'm *planning* to write about shortly:

  • ALT.NET Conference (this post is partially written now, and has some pictures to go along with it)
  • Zune 2 coming out soon (I actually budgeted for this one...)
  • Zend PHP Conference (I hope to write while I'm there)
  • Heroes Happen Here (I nominated someone for this program, and they were accepted!)
  • Microsoft MVC Framework (we saw this at ALT.NET for the first time, although ScottGu and ScottHa have mentioned them before)

Stay tuned - I promise they're coming!!!
