Dallas C# SIG August Meeting - "Ruby vs. C# Smackdown"
The theme for the August C#SIG meeting is "Ruby vs. C# Smackdown". Adam Keys, local Ruby guru will be a featured speaker, along with Jef Newsom, Microsoft Certified Architect and Solution Architect MVP. It should be a great meeting - I hope to see everyone there!
PS - They also have some fantastic giveaways, but you'll need to visit Jef's blog post to see just what they're giving away...
thinking-out-loud: Dallas C# SIG August Meeting
July 29, 2007
The theme for the August C#SIG meeting is "Ruby vs. C# Smackdown". Adam Keys , local Ruby guruAnonymous
December 11, 2008
I attended the VS 2008 conf at the Dallas Conv. cnter about 4-8-08 and received a promo Vista ultimate disc. when upgrading vista basic on new pc there were not enough digits on sticker with install disc. What to do? Thanks