
Invitation to IT Pro Momentum

Microsoft IT Pro Momentum

Wanting to do Projects with New Technologies? It sounds exciting, but does have an element of risk.

Why does one want to be an Early-Adopter of new Technology?

Generally, new technologies have new, and marked improvements in features. In most cases, real-world problems and requirements are solved by a new version of software, and sometimes things are just easier and faster than in the past.

How and we (Microsoft) help you?

The IT Pro Momentum Program was designed with that in mind. By Invite, you get access the the Project Portal where you can profile your projects, and have access to Exclusive Information, Training, Product Downloads and Support.

Is such a program for me?

It depends on how many of the following questions you can answer to your satisfaction:

  • Does new Technology Interest me?
  • Do I want, and need Support during the Evaluation of the various Products?
  • Am I not scared to try out the Products and Solutions (in a test environment at least) with Beta Products?
  • Do I want to give feedback about the Products to the Development Teams (bugs, features and new ideas), and also my experiences in deploying the product?

Target Audience

Targeted with this program are Small and Medium Sized Business (SME) and Microsoft Partners that do not have regular and dedicated contact/support from Microsoft. For Large Enterprises, other programs like TAP (Technology Adoption Program) and RDP (Rapid Deployment Program) are more suitable, but do not exclude you from IT Pro Momentum.


What will I as a participant get?

It depends on the stage of you Project.

  • Evaluation Phase
    You get access to technical content and dedicated forums. You also have access to Online Trainings.
  • Planning Phase
    You receive a 1 year subscription to TechNet Plus and access to the product setups.
  • Pilot Phase
    You have the opportunity to request free help from Microsoft Support up to a a maximum of 1 year for the product you are Piloting to help you quickly solve issues that you have.
  • Deployment Phase
    You project is virtually complete and here comes our ask of you.

ITPROMomentum Phases

 ITPROMomentum Benefits


What do we (Microsoft) gain from this?

Firstly, we want to hear from and about you and your Projects you are planning to, or currently working on, and help you where possible. For some, it may be very interesting to be profiled, either on a Blog or a Case Study, to show the world and your colleagues what you achieved. At the same time, share your experiences with the community and prove your competency.
Secondly, we have customers who have deployed, and are happily using our Products!

Products and Technologies for the Year 2009 in IT Pro Momentum (Not product shipping dates and is subject to change)

ITPROMomentum Technologies 2009


How do I get invited (or have questions)?

Contact Michael Epprecht, IT Pro Evangelist, Microsoft Switzerland via e-mail or the Contact Form.
If you are not based in Switzerland or Lichtenstein, we will pass your request onto the responsible IT Pro Evangelist in your region if IT Pro Momentum is offered in your region.

michael dot epprecht at microsoft dot com e-mail image