
OIS 6.3 / Orchestrator - Advanced Workflow & Best Practice Video Tutorial

Happy Friday Readers and Viewers! I thought it was time I present you with a collection of “Advanced Workflow & Best Practice” Video Tutorials. I realize that many of you may think the timing on this is strange, given that the public SC Orchestrator 2012 Beta is due to release TODAY. Rest assured, the topics in this tutorial transcend OIS 6.3. In fact, if you have read through the What to expect in the System Center Orchestrator Beta blog post, you know workflow design really does not change for SC Orchestrator 2012 (well of course for the new naming convention for most everything).

So barring my use of “Workflow” or “Policy” instead of “Runbook”, the content here should translate quite nicely!

FWIW – Included in this collection are 17 *NEW* Videos (over 3.25 hours of new content) , just for this Advanced Workflow & Best Practice Video Tutorial!

Enough talk, let us get to the topics:

Topic (URL References Related Blog/Video)
Complex Link Logic
Data Manipulation and Parsing
Data Mapping
Error Handling ( see also )
External Data Persistence and Logging
External Interfaces (see also )
Global Settings (Variables, Counters, Schedules)††
Junction Object
Making Everything Dynamic (see also)
Multi-Value Data Handling (Flattening and Other Options)†††† ( see also )
Naming Convention and Versioning Policies  (see also 1, 2 )
Nested Policies & Subroutines (and Passing Data between)
Pipeline vs. Legacy Mode
Policy Engine Rules  (see also 1 , 2 , 3 , 4)
Policy Logging (Verbose vs. Standard)
Policy Promotion ( see also 1, 2 )
Restartable/Haltable Policies  ( see also )
Securing Policies
Self-Monitoring & Event Notifications

If you are interested, the following link is for the YouTube Playlist for these 8-Minute-Demo - OIS 6.3 - Best Practice Video Shorts.

This topic is not a part of the 8-Minute-Demo - OIS 6.3 - Best Practice Video Shorts , but has its own TechNet Blog Post.
††Useful Timestamps: 00:31-08:01 (Variables), 08:01-15:16 (Counters), 15:16-20:25 (Schedules)
†††Useful Timestamps: 00:31-09:12 (Object-Level Looping), 09:12-14:10 (Policy-Level Looping - Self-Trigger), 14:10-22:50 (Policy-Level Looping - Trigger Policy Object Looping)
††††Useful Timestamps: 00:33-10:27 (Flatten), 10:27-12:12 (Junction), 12:12-15:03 (Mismatched Multi-Value Data)

NOTE: Each of the referenced TechNet Blog Posts above are also cataloged here: A Guide to Blog D’Joy
