
8 Minute Demo - OIS-SCOM Extensibility Kit 1.0

Good Afternoon Readers/Viewers!

This will be my last Post for a bit of time. At the end of this week and for a couple weeks, I will be travelling. I am headed to Tech•Ed Australia and Tech•Ed New Zealand! :)

If I have time and an idea for a Blog/Video, I will certainly try to get something posted during my time on the other side of the planet, but I do not want to make any promises.

Enough of that, let’s not waste any more time. Here it today’s installment of the “8-Minute-Demo Video Series”:

As a reference, here is the URL to the CodePlex Download referenced in the video (hot off the presses as of last night!):


Be sure to check out the OIS-SCOM Extensibility Kit - Notification Subscriptions 1.0 - User Guide (available from the link above) for the documented step-by-step walkthrough for this Extensibility Kit.
