
New HTML5 user group in Montreal

Do you know HTML5? We heard about this everywhere, and I have to admit that I am a fan. I know that in Montreal, I’m not the only one. After we saw a real enthusiast from people in our hometown, and from places like Toronto and Vancouver, where there is also HTML5 user group, Benoît Piette, Mathieu Chartier and myself decide to create one here.

At this time, the information on the site is only in French, but we will try to do everything bilingual even if in most of the time, presentations will be in French. I think that it could interest you!

We know it. Developers love to get together to learn, discuss and network with people that use, want to use or are just curios about a same technology. It’s why we created this group focus on HTML5. A user group, with people from every horizon, that want to meet, hopefully, once a month to talk about a specific subject around this technology and all his possibilities.

It doesn’t matter if you are a professional, an amateur, a developer, a designer, a student… HTML5mtl is there for you. I invite you to join the group for free on Meetup.com. This will be a good way to initiate yourself to the different aspect of this technology, to network with other passionate like you and for the more advanced people around here, to come share your knowledge with other (don’t hesitate to let us know if you want to present on a subject). The first meetup is tonight at 19:00 at 2000 McGill College suite 450. I know it’s a bit last minute, so if you can join us, it will be awesome. If not, don’t forget that this one is only the first one. There will be a lot more to come. This free event will be a mix between an introduction on HTML5 and some networking. You have to register to participate, because the numbers of places are limited.

Please note that this group is not a Microsoft user group. We sponsor, but other companies in the industry will join us to share the HTML5 love. We already contacted people at Google, Opera and Mozilla. They seem to be very enthusiast to participate in any ways. More details to come!

Looking forward to seeing you tonight.