
App Template of the week: Bringing a Wordpress site to the Windows 8 store

This week’s template allows you to take a website build using Wordpress.org and turn it into a Windows 8 store app

Wordpress windows 8 app

If you missed any other templates of the week, you can find them here.

This week’s template was created to make it easy for a Wordpress.org user (not wordpress.com) to quickly create a Windows 8 store app to showcase the content on a Wordpress site.


  • Windows 8


  • View your blog posts by category
  • View recent blog posts
  • View your pages
  • View and post comments
  • Bookmark favourite posts

Windows 8 features

  • See post information in the live tile for the application
  • Use the Search charm to find content
  • Use the Share charm to share a favourite post


Where can I find it?

The template is posted on CodePlex.

A quick disclaimer

These templates are not Microsoft templates, they are open source and should be treated as such. They may contain bugs and code quality will vary. Nonetheless can be a useful tool when you are trying to learn how to build an app, and they can be a useful starting point for more complicated apps that follow a similar structure or require similar functionality.