
MobileTeach 2011: May 30th–June 3rd in Montreal


Billing itself as the biggest mobile development conference in Canada, MobileTeach will take place in Montreal from Monday, May 30th through Friday, June 3rd. It’s put on by our friends at DevTeach and part of the annual DevTeach conference (also taking place May 30th – June 3rd) and will cover Windows Phone 7 development along with development for the Esteemed Competition’s platforms.

Among MobileTeach’s sessions on Windows Phone 7 and Silverlight are:

  • What you should know about WP7 Dev
  • WP7 high-end app pitfalls and how to avoid them
  • Secure and Personalize with WCF RIA Services
  • Async Calls in Silverlight and WPF clients
  • Optimizing Silverlight animation

colin melia There will also be a full-day post-conference Windows Phone 7 workshop on Friday, June 3rd run by our good friend Colin Melia, who’ll get you up to speed on Windows Phone development topics, including:

  • Silverlight Development
  • UI Design
  • Data Binding & Data Access
  • Development Tools
  • Notification Services
  • Cloud Services
  • MVVM
  • Application Model & Navigation
  • Input
  • Shell Integration
  • Devices Integration
  • Building Phone-compatible Services
  • Marketplace policies
  • and other select topics requested and a selection of XNA topics

For all the details, see the MobileTeach site.

This article also appears in Global Nerdy.