
Windows 8 Developer Event–April 23rd, Los Angeles

Windows 8 Developer Event
This is Windows re-imagined. This event is targeted for developers.

It is about Metro Learn everything you need to start building Metro-style apps for Windows today at our free, full-day Windows Developer Event.
Visual Studio (HTML5, JavaScript XAML, C#, C/C++) We’ll show you how to use Visual Studio to code fast, fluid, immersive and beautiful Metro-style applications in HTML5/JavaScript, XAML/C# and C/C++. Your investments in these languages carry forward, making Windows a no-compromise platform for developers.
Live tiles, deep links, contract Whatever language you choose, your app gets deep integration with the Windows shell, including notifications, live tiles, deep links, and contracts with other apps. And now you can build once and support all Windows customers, no matter what type of PC they have—from tablets to laptops to convertibles to desktops.

Registration – 4/23 – Los Angeles

Downtown LA.

Registration Link https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032508898&Culture=en-US wzfkcsdk