
Translating OpenXML into DAISY

Reed announced today that the first alpha build of the OpenXML to DAISY translator is now available up on SourceForge: https://blogs.technet.com/reedblog/archive/2008/01/25/open-xml-to-daisy-v1-is-live.aspx

This is awesome. It's another example of the power you get out of translators, and the shared collaboration in building these translators really help folks learn about what if any barriers to interoperability exist so they can be fixed.

According to Reed, here's what supported in this first drop:

  • Dublin Core Metadata [R1]
  • UID metadata [R2]
  • Frontmatter,bookmatter and rearmatter mapping[R3]
  • Levels and Headings [R4]
  • Paragraphs [R5]
  • Tables [R7]
  • Lists [R8]
  • Note's and Note References [R10]
  • Emphasis and Strong [R11]
  • Superscript and Subscript [R12]
  • Images [R14]
  • Validity [R16]
  • Captions [R18]

It looks like this already gets them really close to full compliance with the standard too:

I also want to call out the results of the first test cases. I can't say enough great things about the folks from the DAISY consortium and Sonata who are collaborating with us on this effort. Check this out:


Current Project Phase

Testing of Timebox1

Overall Health


Total Test Cases Executed


Number of Test Cases Passed


Number of Test Cases Failed


Number of Test Case To be Tested


Number of Test Cases Not Executed


325 out of 328 test cases passed. That's pretty darn good (we are going after that pesky 1% that failed). The details on the test cases will also be found on SourceForge so feel free to chomp on that as well.
