
Validation of user inputs in Exchange 2007

One of the issues with Ex2003 is that very limited validation occurs when you input variables. For example, if you start ADUC and enter data, no checks occur to make sure it is actually valid data. I know that the product group put a lot of effort into this component of setup to make sure Exchange functions properly.

I commented during my presentation in Barcelona that Ex2007 makes sure data held in AD is valid, preventing any issues when installing your first Ex2007 server - here's an example:

WARNING: Object Domain.com/Users/TestUser has been corrupted and it is in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors have been encountered:
WARNING: The DisplayName property contains leading or trailing whitespace, which must be removed.

The following script was taken from here and if you see the above warning you should run it.

Get-Mailbox | Foreach { Set-Mailbox –Identity $_.Id –DisplayName $_.DisplayName.Trim() }


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Tech.Ed is already over, so back to business as usual. Here's a brand new weekend reading list: Exchange