
Upgrading a CCR Cluster to SP1

I recently went through the process of upgrading my CCR cluster to SP1 (Beta) and sat back and smiled at how simple and painless it was. To cut to the chase this is what I did:

Installed the following Mailbox Role Pre-Reqs for SP1 (Albeit this was before RU3 had been released)



Checked the App and Sys Logs for any warnings \ errors - If there are any issues - Fix Them..!

On the passive node (B) run from a CMD prompt:

setup.com /m:upgrade

From a NodeB Powershell prompt run the following script:

Stop-ClusteredMailboxServer -Identity <CMS> -StopReason "SP1 Upgrade" -confirm:$false

Setup.com /upgradeCMS

Move-ClusteredMailboxServer –Identity <CMS> -TargetMachine: <PassiveNodeName> -MoveComment:<Comment>

From NodeA CMD prompt run: setup.com /m:upgrade

Job Done – beer open.

Once the install has completed, take a look at ESM and you'll find that you can now managed the CMS Node through the EMC:
