
Brettjo :: Office 365 and Everything UC

Latest news and views of Office 365 and anything Lync and Exchange related.

TechEd 06 Barcelona

So I have been a little quiet over the past couple of days as I am in Barcelona at ITForum. Must...

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/16/2006

Next MMMUG Meeting

As previously posted the next Microsoft Messaging and Mobility User Group UK has organised its next...

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/13/2006

IE6, IE7, IE7+ Vista and Outlook Web Access Ex2003

When you access Microsoft Outlook Web Access by using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or a later...

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/09/2006

Windows SysInternals

...Has gone live. You can access it here

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/09/2006

Vista has gone gold (RTM)

You probably know this already, but it's ready..! Details on Microsoft.com and what was said in the...

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/08/2006

More on Zune

Whilst writing my last entry I couldn't help myself and got distracted to Steve's latest Zune blog...

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/08/2006

Planning (or at least thinking) for Exchange 2007 Hardware..?

So my recent theme has been on the common questions that I am getting asked when talking to...

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/08/2006

Ex2007 SKU's

Another regular question that pops up more or less everyday is what the difference SKU's are for...

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/08/2006

Exchange 2007 UM Configuration

One question that I can more or less guarantee that I will asked when talking about Exchange 2007...

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/07/2006

Success of the Analysers

With support playing a huge part of my background, anything that helps the ethos: "Keep it Simple"...

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/07/2006

Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging Case Study

I want to draw your attention to the following article which explains how Axcelis saved money and...

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/06/2006

Unified Communications

I wanted to draw your attention to the Mark's recent blog entry on the Devil does UC..! (Click on...

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/03/2006


...went live yesterday - Take a look https://www.zune.net/en-US/

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/03/2006

Interesting Search Engine

So thanks to Clive I have been having fun with MsDewey An interesting way to search..!

Author: Brettjo Date: 11/01/2006

Outlook Add-In for Junk Email Reporting

In a previous post I discussed the free trial that anyone can sign up to for Exchange Hosted...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/30/2006


I wanted to draw your attention to the new Netmon Blog which will be alive with tips and tricks of...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/24/2006

S/MIME Control in Ex2003SP2 and IE7

Just wanted to draw your attention to the following article if you use S/MIME through OWA: The...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/23/2006

MMMUG UK (Microsoft Messaging and Mobility UK)

Last night I went along the MMMUG meeting which was organised by Nathan and held at our MS Office in...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/20/2006

Internet Explorer 7 Released

You can download IE7 from here To help customers become more secure and up-to-date, Internet...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/19/2006

Remember Daylight Savings.....

Just want to point you all to Paul's recent Blog - You have been warned..! Thanks to Junners (CPR...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/18/2006

Forefront Security for Exchange 2007

ForeFront Security for Exchange: Forefront Security for Exchange protects organizations against the...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/17/2006

Testing with the Ex2007 Default ReceiveConnector

While testing with Ex2007 you may want to fire mail at it either through Telnet or another source to...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/13/2006

Windows Live Add-In for Outlook

Here's a real cool feature that allows you to create a meeting request \ appt and add directions and...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/12/2006

"..poised to become the de facto leader in email security..."

For those of you that have a close eye on the industry, then you may well have seen the latest...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/12/2006

October Exchange 2007 Webcasts

In case you haven't seen this already, the following Webcasts are being delivered this month - You...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/10/2006

Anywhere Access - Outlook Anywhere

You may have already seen this, but the following article discusses how you can access Exchange 2007...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/10/2006

Microsoft Data Protection Manager v2

I want to draw your attention to the following announcement on Microsoft DPM, further details can be...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/06/2006


I have been a bit quiet recently as I have been up in Edinburgh talking to customers and partners...

Author: Brettjo Date: 10/04/2006

IT Forum 07 : Barcelona

In November, ITForum will be taking place in Barcelona where there will be a lot of focus on Ex2007...

Author: Brettjo Date: 09/28/2006

Ex2007 Unified Messaging Test Kit

I wanted to draw your attention to the post recently made on EHLO which offers Exchange Admins the...

Author: Brettjo Date: 09/28/2006

Ex2007 Partner Ignite Training in the UK

If you are currently a Microsoft Partner and would like training on Exchange 2007 then please take a...

Author: Brettjo Date: 09/27/2006

UK Ex2007 Technet Event

Next month there is a Exchange 2007 event here at TVP the event will cover the following: "In this...

Author: Brettjo Date: 09/25/2006

Netmon 3

During my time as a support engineer it was necessary to occasionally get netmon traces between...

Author: Brettjo Date: 09/21/2006


Back off holiday so there will be a little bit more appearing now..! You may well have seen or at...

Author: Brettjo Date: 09/20/2006

Exchange 2007 BETA 1 Presentation Video

This seems like such a long time ago now, but in January I presented what was happening with E12 in...

Author: Brettjo Date: 09/06/2006

Vista Upgrade Advisor

If you have a home PC you want to try Vista on, try running the upgrade advisor on your machine 1st....

Author: Brettjo Date: 09/05/2006

Exchange 2007 BETA 2 SDK

You may have seen this already, but in case you haven't here's how to get the BETA 2 version of the...

Author: Brettjo Date: 09/04/2006

Even more MONAD

I think the following post from Paul says it all really.

Author: Brettjo Date: 09/04/2006

More MONAD stuff: Message Tracking and Tab Completion

Been a busy week this week... but just found a smart and quick way of dumping out the Message...

Author: Brettjo Date: 08/30/2006

More Powershell (MONAD) Stuff

So today I have been actively learning a little bit more about Powershell and generally playing with...

Author: Brettjo Date: 08/25/2006

System Centre Capacity Planner 2006

Over the past couple of days a few mails have floated through my Inbox asking for advice on capacity...

Author: Brettjo Date: 08/22/2006

Useful Exchange Server 2007 URL's

I have been updating some of my Ex2007 presentations today and I came across a deck which had an a...

Author: Brettjo Date: 08/21/2006

Exchange Ninja's

You may have seen this already from EHLO, but I have just registered and it looks as though this is...

Author: Brettjo Date: 08/16/2006

UK Technet Vista Events

So this isn't Exchange but I wanted to let you know about the following two events that are...

Author: Brettjo Date: 08/15/2006

Exchange 2007 and X400

You are probably aware from playing about with BETA2 that X400 is not an integral part of Ex2007,...

Author: Brettjo Date: 08/15/2006

Windows Live Writer

So for the past month or so I have been forbidden to Blog about Windows Live Writer, the tool that I...

Author: Brettjo Date: 08/14/2006

How to Work out What a MONAD Command Does..!

Today I have been installing Ex2007 servers into my existing Ex2003 test environment all in Virtual...

Author: Brettjo Date: 08/09/2006

microsoft Exchange hosted services aka frontbridge

Hopefully many of you will have now downloaded Ex2007 BETA2 and getting familiar with the new...

Author: Brettjo Date: 08/07/2006

Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant

A little while ago I posted a short article on ExTRA well yesterday this became a reality and V1 can...

Author: Brettjo Date: 08/03/2006

IE7, IE7+ and Autoupdate

Slightly off the Exchange topic today but with good reason. I have recently seen a few interesting...

Author: Brettjo Date: 08/03/2006

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